Today I’m joined by Piper Kay who answers some questions, giving us some insight into her writing process and her books.
What comes first, the plot or the characters?
For me personally, the characters come first, always have. One character starts with little whispers in my head and it catches my attention. Then starts the chattering back and forth, but I’m still left with having to figure out who is who in the mix of it all. So, I sleep on it. Until that sudden middle of the night wake-up call, when it’s about two or three o’clock in the morning, wrapped up all snug and tight in my comforter in my own bed, and characters start bantering back and forth with one another. Next, I sit straight up in bed, grab a set of pom-poms and my notebook and pen. They carry me through the beginnings of the story. My men do not even play fair, at all. I never get the middle parts or the ending, I just run behind them and do is told. Hahaha
When you’re writing an emotionally draining scene, how do you get in the mood?
Music. 100% music. I listen to all types of music and can always find something to suit the mood. There is no genre of music that I cannot handle, I love it all, from classical to rap, to dubstep, to rock, to top 40’s, country, country-rap and even crunkcore. The power of music is incredible, it can pull out emotions in a person even when not even known. I write non-stop with music blasting in the headphones. For me, it’s not the words to a song (well, sometimes it is) but I get into the beat and harmony of it, the drops, the plugs, rises, etc. Music is my go-to for every story and scene I’ve ever written.
How do you deal with poor reviews?
I take them in as feedback and try to learn from them. I also do the same with good reviews. Anything that a person takes time out of their day for, to go leave a review for, is very much appreciated. Do I expect everyone to looooove everything I ever write, of course not? Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on what worked or didn’t work for them. We’re all unique human beings, with so many takes on things, so I already know I will never please everyone, I’m just not that dang powerful. I do not get butt-hurt over that stuff. But if a person took time out of their day, to either write a good or bad review, then I still read them and learn. The process of being an author is to learn something everyday from everyone. Maybe my technique wasn’t right, maybe I confused them at some point, it will help me grow as an author. Like I said, this is a learning process daily. I keep them all in mind when I write the next book.
If you had to describe the main character in this book in three words, what would they be?
Pain, trust, and healing
What was your dream job when you were younger?
I wanted to go on safari’s in the jungles of Africa, like Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom. I even wrote to them in early middle school about it, and got a letter back. I was all set and ready to go. Hahaha. Otherwise, I wanted to be a vet. I have always loved animals, and will pick up a stray in a heart beat, even to this very day.
If you could only have one season, what would it be?
Spring. I love springtime. It’s when all things are given rebirth. Flowers start to bloom, tree’s blossom, fruit trees start producing, bee’s come out of hiding to make honey, the temps are pleasant which is nice here in Texas, tolerable. It’s a great time to start gardening vegetables for the summer, tomato’s, peppers, melons, berries, herbs, etc. I LOVE Spring.
If you could describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be?
Hmmm. SHY! Okay, totally lying right here now-hahaha No, honestly. I guess I would have to say honest, dedicated/loyal and cocky all wrapped up into one big bunch of a hot mess. Lol
Either / Or
Coffee or Tea | Tea, sweet country tea | |
Hot or cold | Hottttttt | |
Movie or Book | Book. Books are always better than the movie versions | |
Coke or Pepsi | Coke | |
Toilet Paper: Over or Under | Over | |
Morning person or Night Owl | None of the above-in between | |
Shower or Bath | Shower | |
City or Country | 100% Country |
Blurb for Kisses from Heaven
Hayden Montgomery has always been a determined and passionate person, but when his dad passes away, he fears he is lost. Stuck in an abusive relationship, Hayden just wants a way out. Falling down the rabbit hole, Hayden questions his life, and where he belongs in it, or even if he belongs in it.
And then a friend from the past returns. Joseph Mitchell has always been Hayden’s very best friend. After losing touch for a while, Hayden is overjoyed to have Joseph back in his life. Now with Joseph’s love, Hayden finds a way to live again.
But Joseph harbors secrets, secrets that could get them both killed.
Will Joseph risk spilling them to Hayden or take them to the grave?
Can two best friends trust each other and survive over distance, through time and circumstances? Or will they only have Kisses from Heaven at the end?
Author Bio:
Piper Kay is a homegrown country girl straight from the outskirts of Houston, Texas, USA. She is currently employed with Encompass Ink, Hot Ink Press and CHBB Publishing. (Crushing Hearts & Black Butterfly Publishing) Whether YA, Erotic Romance, Western, or Drama, she always remains solely dedicated to stories in the M/M and gay romance genres. Piper is a #1 International Best Selling author of LGBT Erotica, and an International Bestselling author of LGBT Erotic romance, gay romance, LGBT drama, gay western and LGBT Childrens YA. Piper brings her passion of storytelling straight to the pages, almost always serving it with a super-sized sprinkle of sexy, a slice of sarcasm and a carafe of crazy.
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Thanks for having me Nic, so much appreciated and love you!
You’re welcome to visit any time 🙂