Today I’m very lucky to be interviewing Patricia Logan, author of “Silver Linings”.
LAPD detective Cassidy Ryan has been living with his Dom, Zachary Teak, for more than two years. Having met when a serial killer targeted gay members of the online BDSM club owned by Zack, the men think they’ve put the past behind them… until another victim turns up.
When Zack receives a threatening note from the killer, the man convicted of the crimes becomes the focus of the investigation. Cassidy and Zack are thrown back into a nightmare and find the wonderful life they’ve built together unravelling.
Letting Cassidy take charge of their lives in order to protect Zack, is a hard thing for the Dom to take but his cop knows the score and protecting Zack is his priority even if that means ruffling the Dom’s feathers.
As the body count rises, the strength of their love will be tested as never before… because every story deserves… a silver lining.
Hi Patricia, thank you for agreeing to this interview.
What genres do you enjoy writing in?
Patricia: MM thriller or mystery.
What was the hardest part about writing this book?
Patricia: It was relatively easy, actually. When I got the audio book from my producer for “Silver Ties”, the prequel to this story, I suddenly realized I could have done much more with it. A story developed in my head even before I finished listening to the audio book for “Silver Ties”. “Silver Linings” was born that night.
What did you enjoy most about writing your book?
Patricia: Continuing the story of Cassidy and Zack. They are deeply in love and I wanted to continue to explore that. I also wanted to put Zack, my Dom, in a situation where he was out of control, something he never is. Turning the tables on him was great fun.
What cultural value do you see in writing?
Patricia: Some of my best friends are books and I think that along with great sculptures, music, and paintings, they are the most significant works of cultural value in the world.
What is your favorite positive saying?
Patricia: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
“How do you want me to take you, Cassidy?” Zack asked between bites.
Cassidy looked over at his Dom, just a little surprised. “You’re asking me?”
Zack smiled at him and he could see the lust glittering in the dark orbs. “Yes. Sometimes… but don’t make a big deal out of it, Cass. It won’t be happening every time.”
Cassidy had somehow expected that answer and the growl in Zack’s voice was such a turn-on, he felt his cock begin to swell as he stared at him. Jesus, I’m the luckiest bastard on the planet. Cassidy knew how damned lucky he was to have found a man whom he could call soul mate. So few people ever did but he knew he had… every single goddamned time he looked at him.
“If that’s the case, Zack. I want my Dom in our bed tonight. I want you hot, hard, demanding… I want you to hold me down. I… I… may fight you, Sir…”
“You want me to work out your aggression?” Zack’s face was very serious.
Cassidy could see the Dominant rise to the surface in two point two seconds. He knew Zack loved seeing him capitulate to his demands and even more importantly, he loved doing just that.
“Yeah. The way I feel right now, Zack…”
“You want to hurt someone, don’t you?” Zack asked, though it wasn’t really a question. He’d nailed it.
Zack pushed his empty plate back and stood up, holding out his hand. “Come, boy. Let your Dom take care of that.”
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About the author
Red-headed maven of malevolence Patricia Logan resides in Los Angeles, California, but can be found at any given late hour in a playroom in Texas watching her boys playing in the nude… always with each other. Patricia channels gay erotic novels through her computer via black magic (and a dictionary) with a touch of BDSM while eating a BLT. She longs to tie you up and make you suffer through her writing. Haha
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Thank you so much for having me, today 🙂
My pleasure. Thanks for stopping by 🙂